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[Event listing courtesy of Open Table]
Open Table, the MetroWest charity dedicated to fighting hunger and building healthy communities, has launched its Family-to-Family Gift Bag Drive for the fifth year. The program offers the public a chance to create holiday gift bags for a local family and/or a senior who are clients of Open Table.
Open Table provides participants with a list of suggested gift bag items such as snacks, art supplies, and gift cards, then sends reminders on each of the first 12 days of December. Items must be unwrapped to allow Open Table to determine an appropriate recipient for each bag. Items should be placed in a sturdy, reuseable bag, and the total weight should be under 25 pounds.
Completed gift bags may be dropped off curbside at Open Table’s Food Donation Center, 40 Beharrell St., West Concord, Friday, Dec. 13, between 4 and 6 p.m.; and curbside at Open Table at 33 Main St., Maynard, Saturday, Dec. 14, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Sign up to make a gift bag at: