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The Select Board’s Lane
The Select Board has adopted a positive practice of liaising with many town committees.  To liaise is to communicate for the purpose of establishing and maintaining mutual understanding.  It is to act as a neutral conduit of information; neither to influence nor to express positions on behalf of the Select Board that have not been…
Sudbury’s Volunteers Deserve Better
On Tuesday, July 16, the Select Board took the unprecedented step of refusing, 3-2, to reappoint a full member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to another term. Member Russo led the charge against the entire ZBA, and in particular Jon Gossels.  Mr. Gossels has served 24 years on the ZBA, more than any other…
After-School Care: “There is a solution. It just needs to be worked on.”
This past February, Sudbury’s School Committee decided after-school care is not within their purview (1:01:51-1:23:29). The Select Board is waiting for a memo from the Town Manager (50:10-1:44:04) on the subject, and the Parks and Recreation Commission is still advocating for a Town Manager Working Group (35:40-1:27:04) to address the town-wide need for more after-school care....five months…
Adding Firearm Business Oversight to Sudbury
Please note: I am an elected member of the Select Board, but I provide this information only as an individual resident and not on behalf of anyone else. Sudbury’s Select Board will present the Town’s first common sense gun control zoning regulations - Article 16: the Firearm Safety Business Use Zoning Bylaw - at…
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