After School Care Town-Wide Personal Crisis
Quote references: Sudbury Select Board - Meeting of May 28, 2024, 1:01:23 | After-School Care Survey Results
“Every time we go by these (Tercentenary) signs…our heart hurts, and we think about what happened to us. So, are these signs, OK? Absolutely not. Should these signs be revamped? Absolutely not. They are false history. They are a grim reminder of the assimilation and colonization that was set forth in laws (against Indigenous people).…
The Select Board has adopted a positive practice of liaising with many town committees. To liaise is to communicate for the purpose of establishing and maintaining mutual understanding. It is to act as a neutral conduit of information; neither to influence nor to express positions on behalf of the Select Board that have not been…
On Tuesday, July 16, the Select Board took the unprecedented step of refusing, 3-2, to reappoint a full member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to another term. Member Russo led the charge against the entire ZBA, and in particular Jon Gossels. Mr. Gossels has served 24 years on the ZBA, more than any other…
This past February, Sudbury’s School Committee decided after-school care is not within their purview (1:01:51-1:23:29). The Select Board is waiting for a memo from the Town Manager (50:10-1:44:04) on the subject, and the Parks and Recreation Commission is still advocating for a Town Manager Working Group (35:40-1:27:04) to address the town-wide need for more after-school care....five months…
Finding childcare for a child with a disability or chronic medical condition is a challenge many people cannot fully understand until it becomes a personal crisis. Eight years ago, I found myself faced with this reality. In August 2016, my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and life came to a halt during the…
On Tuesday, May 28th the Select Board will discuss after-school care needs in Sudbury. This conversation is long overdue for many families with children in our elementary schools. To be clear up-front: this is not an ask for subsidized child care. This is a plea for targeted, solution-oriented coordination and planning between relevant town departments…
Disclosure: I am sharing this opinion as an individual Select Board Member and not on behalf of the full Select Board. I encourage residents of Sudbury to vote in favor of the proposed Firearm Safety Business Use bylaw (Article 16) at the May 6 Annual Town Meeting. I believe it is a proactive, smart,…
Please note: I am an elected member of the Select Board, but I provide this information only as an individual resident and not on behalf of anyone else. Sudbury’s Select Board will present the Town’s first common sense gun control zoning regulations - Article 16: the Firearm Safety Business Use Zoning Bylaw - at…
Sudbury prides itself in being a healthy, family-centered town. The presence of a gun store that is in high visibility and blending in with the general retail activity in our community will only have negative consequences. This will normalize the access to firearms making them seem like ordinary sporting goods when in fact they…