A successful write-in campaign in the Sept. 3 Republican primary has created a contested race in November for the 13th Middlesex State Representative seat.
Virginia A. Gardner of Wayland ran as a write-in candidate for the Republican nomination for the House seat, and received enough write-in votes to qualify as a candidate in the November…
You can register to vote, check the status of your voter registration, or make changes to your registration on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from noon-4 p.m. in the atrium of the Goodnow Library. Volunteers from the League of Women Voters of Sudbury will be available to assist as needed and answer voting questions.
Voters who…
The state primary Election Day is Tuesday, Sept. 3, the day after Labor Day. You can find information about who is on the ballot here, view a candidates’ forum for the Democratic candidates for Governor’s Council here and watch an informational forum explaining what the Governor’s Council is and does here.
Voters in all six precincts in Sudbury…
Early in-person voting in the state primary election begins Saturday, Aug. 24. That is also the last day to register to vote in that election. You can find information about who is on the ballot here, view a candidates’ forum for the Democratic candidates for Governor’s Council here and watch an informational forum explaining what the Governor’s Council…
The Sept. 3 election is a state primary election in which political parties select their candidates for the Nov. 5 general election. For that reason, voters vote using a specific party’s ballot in that election. Voters who are enrolled in a party must take that party’s ballot. Unenrolled voters can choose which ballot they want;…
Sudbury has permanently moved all of its Election Day polling places to the Fairbank Community Center, 40 Fairbank Rd. In-person early voting prior to Election Day will continue to be at Town Hall.
Starting with the Sept. 3 state primary election, voters in all six precincts will vote at the community center on Election…
Any registered voter can use a mail ballot to vote in the state primary election scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 3. It’s best to start the mail voting process now to be sure you have time to receive a ballot and return it. The town clerk’s office will begin sending mail ballots to voters in mid-August,…
Annual Town Meeting begins Monday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m., in the auditorium of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. All residents should have received a paper copy of the Warrant in the mail this week.
For those who cannot attend all or part of Town Meeting in person, the meeting will be broadcast live on…
All Sudbury registered voters are eligible to vote at Annual Town Meeting, which begins Monday, May 6, at 7:30 pm. in the auditorium of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. Information about routinely available accommodations, including assisted listening, live captioning, accessible seating, braille voting clickers, and accessible transportation can be found on the Town website here and here and pages…
Sudbury’s Annual Town Meeting will begin in less than a month, on Monday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, 390 Lincoln Road.
All registered voters are voting members of Town Meeting. Register to vote by Friday, April 26.
Van transportation is available for qualified voters. For all other voters,…