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The Select Board is the primary policy making board in Sudbury. It should set an example for leadership, especially in times when our nation is more deeply divided than ever. Uncivil rhetoric at the federal level has filtered down to the local level, contributing to divisions and igniting disrespect. Here in Sudbury, we have witnessed hostility and incivility by some Select Board members to the point that communications necessary to accomplish basic tasks of governance are not possible. Sadly, some members of the Select Board have spoken ill of members of other boards and spread disinformation, to say nothing of disrespect for the public.
As I consider supporting candidates for the two open Select Board seats, I ask myself: How have the candidates conducted themselves in their committee meetings? Have they shown respect for laws, liberties, rights, and each other, or settled for scoring political points?
Lisa Kouchakdjian, currently a Select Board member, has consistently conducted herself with dignity and respect, even when she was unjustly attacked, or her position mischaracterized, by other Select Board members. Lisa’s truthfulness, intelligence, sense of justice for all, combined with her ability to listen respectfully and compromise, are the traits of true leadership. We need them now, more than ever.
We also know worthwhile community projects don’t happen without effective leadership. Lisa’s advocacy for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, the Fairbank Community Center, and her efforts to have a space use facilities plan to maintain infrastructure in a fiscally responsible way, are examples of how Lisa’s strong advocacy that have made Sudbury a better place.
Sometimes one decision can have a thousand benefits. Lisa’s vote to hire Andy Sheehan as Town Manger is one of those decisions. It is a decision that pays off every day across the multiple departments that the Town Manager oversees. We need more decisions like that.
Radha Gargeya, a long-time LS School Committee member and its former chair, is long on patience, wisdom, and character. If you watched any L-S School Committee meeting, you’d have seen him raise the level of debate with facts and fairness. For years Radha set the standard for what we expect from a L-S School Committee member. He can do the same on the Select Board.
On impactful LSRHS issues, like funding and budgeting, solar panels, and upgrading wireless internet access, Radha took the initiative to research the issues and get the facts, so that when it was time to vote, the L-S School Committee got it right. Under Radha’s leadership the L-S School Committee got it right the first time, maintained the school’s high standards, and spent tax dollars wisely and efficiently.
Radha keeps his cool because he is secure in his factual base. His fine character and work ethic will lower the temperature in the room, and elevate meaningful discussion. Radha has the ability to see down the road, a key leadership quality. This ability is important not only to remedy a current problem, but to prevent problems from developing in future years. He knows what it means to be proactive. He is a lookout for the town.
Radha Gargeya is someone whom I trust. I have no doubt that he will improve both the civility and quality of governance the town deserves from the Select Board.
I’ve seen lots of committee members on different boards. Some are good, and some not so good. Lisa and Radha have the character to be good leaders. They are the real deal. That’s why I enthusiastically support their nominations.
You can vote by mail for the Monday, March 31, Annual Town Election, but you must apply, even if you voted by mail in 2024. Mail ballots will be sent around March 10 for this election.
I hope you will join me in casting your votes for Lisa Kouchakdjian and Radha Gargeya for the Select Board.
– Len Simon, a former member of the Select Board.