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[Event listing courtesy of the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable]
On Wednesday evening, February 26, 2025, at 7PM, the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable will host a conversation with a parent whose teen was in a dating relationship with a person who mistreated her. This program will be a hybrid program and will be held at the Goodnow Library, 21 Concord Road, Sudbury and on Zoom. The Zoom registration link:
The parent speaker will talk about what she didn’t know to look and listen for and what surprised her as she learned more about her teen’s relationship.
In sharing her experience, the speaker will reflect on what she wants every parent to know about identifying abuse (which is often not that obvious) and supporting a young person who is being harmed emotionally, financially, and/or physically by their dating partner.
This program is for parents/guardians/grandparents, educators, coaches, youth advisors, healthcare professionals, and anyone else who has teens or young adults in their life.
The Roundtable hopes you will join us to learn more about teen dating abuse.