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Sudbury Select Board – Moving Sudbury Forward
I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for re-election to the Sudbury Select Board! Serving on the Select Board since 2022 has been an incredible honor, and together, we have made significant progress.
One of my first accomplishments was working with my colleagues to hire Town Manager Andy Sheehan, a leader with the right experience at the right time. Under the Select Board’s direction, he is actively strengthening our town’s financial foundation—developing a sustainable operating budget, creating a proactive capital plan, and addressing long-standing staffing shortages to ensure we continue delivering top-quality services to residents. Strong leadership on the Select Board is essential to supporting these efforts, and that’s why I’m running for re-election.
Building a Stronger Sudbury
During my first term, I advocated for a space use facilities assessment—approved and funded at Town Meeting—that is now being finalized. This plan will allow us to better prioritize and execute projects in a fiscally responsible manner, minimizing costly delays and ensuring our town’s infrastructure meets the needs of today and tomorrow.
Bringing major projects to completion has been a top priority. The Bruce Freeman Rail Trail and the Fairbank Community Center are now becoming key assets for our town. Soon, our two incredible rail trails will be fully accessible to the community, providing recreational opportunities for generations to come. Meanwhile, the new Fairbank Community Center is already enhancing the lives of many residents, and I remain committed to ensuring its continued success. Looking ahead, I am excited to support the upcoming Open Space and Recreation Plan to further expand and improve recreational opportunities in Sudbury.
Commitment to Sustainability & Public Safety
Sustainability remains a priority. In my first term, we added a dedicated sustainability role to the town’s operating budget, and we’re making progress with solar panel installations and EV charging stations across town. Climate resiliency efforts will continue to be a focus—we owe it to future generations to reduce our carbon footprint and make environmentally responsible choices at the local level.
Public safety is also a top concern. As the demand for services grows, we must ensure our police and fire departments have the resources, staffing, and infrastructure they need to protect our community. Residents deeply value our public safety services, and I will continue to advocate for these essential investments.
Leadership That Brings People Together
While we’ve accomplished a lot, there is still more to do. We need leadership that will continue to move Sudbury forward—putting aside politics, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring every resident is valued and heard. In a time of national division, we must come together locally. As a Select Board member, I have always been committed to listening to all perspectives, engaging in respectful dialogue, and making decisions that serve the best interests of our entire community.
Being a public servant in Sudbury is one of the greatest honors of my life. Over the next several weeks, I look forward to connecting with as many residents as possible. I invite you to visit my website at, email me at, and follow my campaign on Facebook at
With the right leadership, we can continue moving Sudbury forward—together. I humbly ask for your support and your vote on March 31st!
Lisa Kouchakdjian