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In today’s divisive national political climate, it’s easy to feel that individual voices are drowned out. Yet, local elections present a unique opportunity for residents to directly influence the decisions that shape their daily lives. For Sudbury, this is especially true.
Why Local Governance Matters
Sudbury’s Select Board, School Committees, and various town boards make decisions that directly affect education, public safety, housing, infrastructure, and conservation—issues that impact every resident. Recent debates on housing affordability, school funding, and sustainability underscore the vital role local government plays in shaping Sudbury’s future.
Understanding a Candidate’s Role and Priorities
When evaluating candidates, it’s crucial to understand their specific role in past achievements. What was their direct contribution? Did they lead an initiative, collaborate on a team, or simply vote in favor of an effort? Voters should also look beyond broad statements—what are the candidate’s specific priorities, and more importantly, what concrete actions do they propose to achieve them? Leadership is about more than ideas; it’s about execution and accountability.
Transparent Leadership and Civic Engagement
Effective local government thrives on open communication and respectful debate. Sudbury’s leaders must be transparent, accountable, and willing to listen to diverse perspectives. As voters, we have a responsibility to support candidates who foster these values. By participating in local elections, we not only choose leaders but also affirm our commitment to a democratic, inclusive community.
Do Your Homework
In an era of sound bites and quick takes, informed voting is critical. Understanding a candidate’s vision, priorities, and experience requires active engagement. Attend forums, read platforms, and ask questions about how they will achieve their goals. Your effort ensures that Sudbury’s leaders truly reflect the community’s needs and values.
Every Vote Counts
Local elections often have low turnout, with outcomes decided by narrow margins. In Sudbury, where decisions can directly impact your child’s education, the safety of your neighborhood, or the character of your town, your vote carries tremendous weight.
Local Solutions to National Challenges
Sudbury has made progress on national issues like sustainability and affordable housing. Electing leaders committed to specific, actionable policies ensures the town remains a leader in addressing broader challenges while strengthening our own community.
Your Role in Sudbury’s Future
Voting is about more than selecting officials—it’s about shaping the community we want to build together. By showing up on Election Day, you contribute to a stronger, more connected Sudbury.
Democracy begins at home. As Election Day approaches, take this opportunity to make your voice heard. Your vote matters—now more than ever.
Vote in the Annual Town Election on Monday, March 31st—in person or by mail.
Election info:
The League of Women Voters of Sudbury (LWV) also provides valuable information. Learn more here.
Janie Dretler, Sudbury
I am an elected member of the Sudbury Select Board; however, I am writing this letter in my personal capacity as a Sudbury resident. My views are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Select Board or the Town of Sudbury.