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By Bill Schineller, former Sudbury Select Board member.
I got to know Kevin Matthews personally through Bob, my elderly neighbor. Bob’s wife was diagnosed with Alzheimers and moved into a nursing home, leaving Bob alone. I checked in on Bob as he aged, as he kept the faith visiting his wife daily and going to his parish regularly. Bob spoke particularly highly of KEVIN MATTHEWS, his fellow lector. When Bob began to cope with disabilities, I connected with Kevin, and together we kept tabs on Bob to ensure his safety. Kevin showed tremendous compassion for his neighbor until the day Bob died.
That same Kevin Matthews has my vote for Sudbury Select Board because of his steadfast commitment to serving our community. For 15 years on the Lincoln Sudbury School Committee, his focus has been on excellence in education, a bedrock of Sudbury. On the Select Board, Kevin will bring the focus on excellence to the Town’s delivery of all the services we pay for.
While I served on the Select Board, we instituted sound Financial Policies (2021 Goal #1) and a straightforward Project Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tracking Policy. Since then, I have seen a lack of commitment to following those policies by members of the Select Board and the Town Manager they oversee. This has led to budgetary surprises and contributed to the loss of town staff in my opinion.
Teachers set expectations for students with a rubric, requiring that they show their work, cite their sources, and deliver quality assignments on time. So should our Select Board set policies consistent with Sudbury’s priorities, and insist on transparency, accountability, and delivery of quality services on time and within budget. I fully trust Kevin Matthews to bring that reasonable approach (and not any personal agenda) to the Sudbury Select Board.
On March 31, please Vote Kevin Matthews for Select Board. Electing Kevin will ensure we add a member who puts the focus on making Sudbury a well run, sustainable, and excellent place to live for all its residents as we evolve together for the better.