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Here’s the running summary from the Tuesday, November 19 meeting of the Sudbury Select Board:
American Rescue Plan Act Funds
- Town Manager Sheehan presented a plan to allocate the remainder of Sudbury’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
- The Select Board asked a variety of questions, but were broadly supportive of the recommended allocations. They voted unanimously to approve them.
- You can review the allocations on page 77.
- That just about wraps up Sudbury’s ARPA story. All the money has been allocated, and they just need to go spend it by the federal deadline at this point.
Kanso Maynard Housing Opposition
- The board reviewed an updated draft of a letter to the Town of Maynard voicing opposition to the Kanso Maynard housing project proposed on the Maynard-Sudbury town line. The buildings are in Maynard but a portion of the land is in Sudbury.
- The letter strongly opposes the project. (Page 44)
- They made some small tweaks to the draft in the packet, voted unanimously to approve the letter and it will be sent off to Maynard.
2025 Annual Town Meeting Articles
- A preliminary list of articles was included in the meeting packet. Most of them were conversation starters for the board. (Page 47)
- It’s pretty dry stuff – bylaw changes, fee updates, stabilization funds and revolving funds. But there are a few that may garner some interest:
- #4 could establish a rental fee revolving fund for the Fairbank Community Center. For residents eager to rent a space in the new building, that may be a big unlock if it passes. This was largely driven by the multi-purpose room according to Town Manager Andy Sheehan.
- #5 could make changes to Town Meeting. But Town Manager Sheehan indicated that this was just a conversation starter in the event the board wanted to consider changes to the date, day or start time of Annual Town Meeting.
- #7 was also a conversation starter. Depending on how things proceed, it could spell the end of the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee, consistent with the recommendations made by the Division of Local Services. But it could also be a chance to increase the thresholds for what qualifies in the Town Managers capital budget.
- The Board discussed potentially making the annual Town Forum optional for the Select Board in the future. But they didn’t go too deep into deliberation on articles other than to say they should schedule time to discuss them further in future meetings.