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Sudbury Water District Election: Results

The Sudbury Water District held its 88th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, as well as their annual election. The warrants and specimen ballots are available to review here. All races in the election were uncontested. Craig Blake, who serves on Sudbury’s Permanent Building Committee, ran unopposed for Moderator. Susan O’Connor ran unopposed for Clerk. Tom Travers,…

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Energy and Sustainability Committee Pre-Funds Potential Composting Program In Schools

What’s Happening Sudbury’s Energy and Sustainability recently discussed a civics project from the 8th grade civics program at Ephraim Curtis Middle School. The project proposes to establish a district-wide composting program. As a result of those discussions, the committee voted to fund a two-year pilot of a composting program, not to exceed $30,000. They also voiced an…

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Park and Recreation In Peril?

Commission Level-Sets Expectations with Financial Reality Sudbury’s Park and Recreation department has no shortage of challenges, and according to the Park and Recreation Commission (PRC), residents have been voicing frustration with their access to, and the utilization of, the new community center building in recent weeks. Those challenges were a major focus for the commission…

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Select Board Reflects on Town Meeting

On Tuesday the Select Board reflected on Annual Town Meeting with Town Moderator, Cate Blake. It has become a bit of a Sudbury tradition to talk about driving higher attendance at Annual Town Meeting immediately after Annual Town Meeting concludes. Some ideas included moving Annual Town Meeting to the weekend, as well as increased promotion…

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