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Sudbury’s March 31 Annual Town Election will feature contested races for Select Board, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District School Committee, and a two-year seat on Sudbury School Committee. The deadline to return nomination papers (“signatures”) was 5 p.m. Feb. 10.
The League of Women Voters of Sudbury will record candidate forums for each contested race. Sudbury residents can submit questions for the candidates to or LWV Sudbury, P.O. Box 338, Sudbury, MA 01776 by Monday, Feb. 24. Questions must be directed to all candidates in a race, not to one individual.
Running for the two open seats on the Select Board are Radha Gargeya, Lisa Kouchakdjian, and Kevin Matthews. All three have qualified to be on the ballot.
In the race for the two open seats on the Lincoln-Sudbury school committee, Eric Poch and Charles Morton, IV, returned their signatures Monday, and the Town Clerk’s office has certified those signatures. John Ryan, Jr., had earlier qualified for the ballot. The two other people who had filed an intention to run, Lee Hannauer Gross and Valerie Friedholm, did not return their papers and will not be on the ballot.
In the race for the two-year seat on the Sudbury School Committee that was created by a vacancy, Elizabeth Sues returned her papers Friday and has been qualified for the ballot. Allison Vanderels returned her papers and was qualified earlier.
Only Jessica McCready is running for the one three-year seat on the Sudbury School Committee, so that is an uncontested race. McCready has qualified for the ballot.
The two Sudbury School Committee seats are separate races because of the difference in term length.
In other uncontested races where candidates had not yet been officially qualified, Katina Fontes, running for Goodnow Library Trustee, returned signatures Thursday. Trevor Haydon for Board of Assessors and Kirsten Roopenian for Planning Board returned signatures Monday. The Town Clerk’s office certified all three candidates Monday.
The last day to register to vote in the March 31 Annual Town Election is Friday, March 21. You can check your registration status and register online to vote at You can also register in person at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, 322 Concord Rd., or by mail. Download a registration application here.
If you want to vote by mail in the March 31 Sudbury town election, you need to apply. Applications from 2024 have expired. You can find the application form here.
According to the Town Clerk’s office, as of 5:00 p.m. Feb. 10, the following people have qualified as official candidates whose name will appear on the ballot.
Select Board – contested race
(2 seats, 3 years)
Radha Gargeya
Lisa Kouchakdjian
Kevin Matthews
Board of Assessors
(1 seat, 3 years)
Trevor Haydon
Goodnow Library Trustees
(2 seats, 3 years)
Jill Caseria
Katina Fontes
Board of Health
(1 seat, 3 years)
Carol Bradford
Park and Recreation Commission
(2 seats, 3 years)
William Granger Atkeson
Mara Huston
Planning Board
(2 seats, 3 years)
Anuraj Shah
Kirsten Roopenian
Sudbury School Committee
(1 seat, 3 years)
Jessica McCready
Sudbury School Committee
(1 seat, 2 years)
Allison Vanderels
Elizabeth Sues
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District School Committee
(2 seats, 3 years)
John Ryan, Jr.
Eric Poch
Charles Morton, IV