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The members of Sudbury for Digital Balance (SDB) enthusiastically endorse Jessica McCready for the three-year seat on the SPS School Committee. SDB is focused on how to best navigate the digital world, allowing children and teens to develop socially and learn to their highest potential without the excessive use of technology. Jessica McCready shares our goals and has the experience to make meaningful change in our schools.
The SPS School Committee needs someone with her expertise when setting policies surrounding digital technology. She can be a bridge between teachers, parents and administrators because she has experience in all of these areas. She is a parent of four children, one who went through Curtis Middle School and two who are currently enrolled in Nixon Elementary. She has taught college-level biology for 14 years, and was asked to be the Chair of two different departments at her University. She brings a unique perspective to the Committee and is ready to get to work.
As an educator, Jessica McCready has first-hand knowledge of the educational harms from devices in the classroom. She knows how difficult it can be for teachers to be put in the position to act as enforcers and make sure that students are not using technology inappropriately in the classroom. As a parent, she knows how hard it can be to make sure children are using school-issued devices only for school assignments. As an administrator she knows that educational technology companies can be very persuasive when talking about their products leading to overuse in the classroom.
Jessica McCready wants to bring the focus back to students, and we share that goal. She is committed to working with all members of the Committee to put our students first. She will listen to the community and hear their concerns. We are confident that Jessica McCready is the leader we need, and we encourage the community to support her candidacy for the three-year seat on the SPS School Committee.
Jackie Barry, Kat Liddle, Erin Muscatiello, and Laura Willard