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I am writing in support of Janie Dretler’s reelection to the Sudbury Select Board. As a member of several committees, my interaction with Janie has increased significantly with the many projects presented to the town during her tenure. The questions Janie poses, and the observations she makes, are always thoughtful, researched in advance, and make clear her enlightened compassion for Sudbury and its residents.
I learned a great deal about Janie’s commitment to Sudbury during these specific (and many other) conversations, and her capacity to listen. A well-informed person is one who takes the time to communicate with people outside a “safe” zone. By that I mean engaging others whose ideas and perceptions are different from your own. It dawned on me that Janie not only listens, but she also creates a plan to address others’ concerns. It is one thing to walk away from a meeting feeling good. However, it is what happens when you leave the room that means it was an effective meeting – Janie follows up and takes action.
Janie is always well prepared. She researches topics and projects that impact the town and that will often have long-term value and associated impacts to residents. Examples include open space, recreation, and conservation as well as infrastructure, public safety, and accessibility. Further, Janie has focused on issues addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion, environmental protection, and zoning.
I do not always agree with Janie Dretler. Nor should I. However, I have always found her leadership and steadfastness, coupled with her capacity to articulate facts and policy extremely refreshing. Leadership, policy administration and thoughtful guidance are critical components for anyone seeking to serve in public office. Janie has proven she has these and many other qualities that allow her to successfully serve the residents in Sudbury.
Specifics include her support of the BFRT, CSX acquisition, Broads Acres acquisition, Solar Energy Bylaw, Fairbank Community Center, Polystyrene Reduction Bylaw, and a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan. These are but a few of the issues that the Select Board must research, while seeking input from the town’s citizens. Their responsibilities are significant and time-consuming and perhaps at times under appreciated.
The Select Board has a Mission Statement, as do most, if not all Committees and Commissions. I have presented that Statement below. Janie exemplifies the Mission and the Values associated with this statement.
I believe Janie Dretler has represented Sudbury residents in a transparent, objective, reflective, and pragmatic way. She is a solid, yet humble leader, willing to act, while listening intently to the community’s voice. Please cast your vote to re-elect Janie Dretler to the Sudbury Select Board. I have no doubt she will continue to work diligently and tirelessly on behalf of our town.
Dave Henkels
Sudbury, MA
Select Board Mission Statement:
The Select Board, as the chief policy making body for the Town of Sudbury, Massachusetts, will maximize and ensure the quality of life and well-being of Sudbury residents, today and in the future. To accomplish this, the Select Board shall set strategic direction, appoint certain boards, establish policies, and develop goals that deliver the highest quality municipal services in a fiscally responsible manner to the community that it serves and advance its values. The Select Board relies upon the Town Administration, volunteers, residents, and other stakeholders to implement the policies and initiatives while promoting an atmosphere of mutual respect, collaboration, and inclusion.
Select Board Values:
- Protect and enhance the professionalism of the Town’s staff, boards, and committees.
- Foster respectful civic engagement; promote transparency and effective
communications. - Protect and promote a climate of acceptance, equity, inclusion and belonging.
- Encourage responsible long-term capital management and strategic planning to
support, maintain, and enhance Town infrastructure and services. - Protect and enhance educational excellence.
- Ensure equitable access to Sudbury facilities, programs, information, and services.
- Promote and ensure public health and safety within the community.
- Protect and enhance Sudbury’s fiscal health and financial stability.
- Protect and enhance the unique sense of place offered by the Town.
- Encourage and pursue a wide range of housing options that accommodate the diverse
needs of individuals across age and socio-economic demographics. - Promote access to transportation options and advocate for bicycle and pedestrian
alternative travel. - Promote and enhance Sudbury’s environmental resources and sustainability.
First adopted by the Board of Selectmen May 10, 2000
Amended and reaffirmed by the Board of Selectmen, 5/23/02, 6/1/04, 6/10/05, and 10/25/22