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The Sudbury Public Schools (SPS) nurses issued a statement via the Massachusetts Nurses Association Facebook page on Friday, April 12:

SPS nurses have a separate contract from SPS teachers. The nurse’s contract reached its term during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and negotiations have not achieved an agreement since. In May of 2023, Sudbury Weekly contacted the chair of the Sudbury Public Schools School Committee about the status of the contract, and received the following response:
“With regards to your question on the nurses’ contract, the School Committee voted to approve a 1-year Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Nurses Union for the 2021-2022 school year. This is in alignment with the 1-year MOA that was approved with the Sudbury Education Association, prior to the more recent 3-year agreement.
Silvia Nerssessian — Chair, SPS School Committee
The negotiations are ongoing, and the current contract, terms and conditions remain in effect until a new successor contract is reached. For your reference, a copy of these contracts is available on the Sudbury Public School website.”
Here’s a copy of the nurse’s contract that concluded in 2021. Here’s a copy of the MOA.
The MOA extend the existing agreement term for a year and provided a modest one-time bonus:

While the MOA’s between the district, the Nurses Union, and the Sudbury Teachers Association were indeed similar, the nurses have been without a new contract for two years since the agreement was struck with the Sudbury Teachers Association. That agreement was finalized in the middle of the 2021-2022 school year.