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[Correction: A previous version of this story omitted the extension for mailed ballots. The story below has been corrected to note that ballots sent by U.S. Postal Service and postmarked on or before Nov. 5 will be counted if received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 8.]
Are you planning to vote by mail in the Presidential election? If so, time is running short to request a mail ballot with adequate time to receive and return it.
If you have requested a mail ballot for all elections in the past, you do not need to request one again. The ballot will be sent to you automatically. To request a mail ballot for this election, you can return the card sent in September by the Secretary of State’s office to the Town Clerk’s office. You can apply to vote by mail online at–click on Apply to Vote by Mail. You can download and print a mail ballot application and return it to the Town Clerk. Applications are also available at the Clerk’s office. Completed, signed applications should be mailed to Town Clerk, 322 Concord Rd., Sudbury, MA 01776 or scanned and sent by email to or faxed to the Town Clerk’s office, 978-639-3340.
The Town Clerk expects to receive ballots from the state around Oct. 7, and will be sending a mail ballot to voters who have requested one shortly after that date.
After you fill out your vote on your mail ballot, put the ballot in the yellow envelope and then sign that envelope. Your ballot will not be accepted if the yellow envelope is not signed.
Put the signed yellow envelope in the white, postage prepaid return envelope. You can mail that envelope or drop it in the ballot dropbox behind Town Hall, available 24/7. Ballots sent by U.S. Postal Service and postmarked on or before Nov. 5 will be accepted if they are received by the Clerk by 5 p.m. Nov. 8, three days after the election. Ballots returned in person to the Clerk’s office or deposited in the drop box must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 5. You cannot return a mail ballot to a polling place on Election Day.
Once you have requested a mail ballot, you can track that ballot at
For information on voter registration, in-person early voting and Election Day voting, visit the Town Clerk’s website or the League’s website.