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The Select Board packet for their February 4 meeting has a list of warrant articles, and copies of said warrant articles, for the board to review and accept. (Page 19)
Plenty could change on the road to Town Meeting, but if the list of articles is any indication – this could be a pretty beefy Town Meeting. There are 58 articles listed, and four citizen petitions. In 2024, Sudbury had 45 articles and one was a citizen petition. In 2023 it was 55 articles including one petition. And in 2022 it was 58 articles with one being a petition. In 2021 the Town had just 36 articles total. So if all the articles were to proceed, the town is looking at one of the lengthier warrants in recent years.
A large number of articles have been assigned to the consent calendar. The Select Board will have the finally say on that, so this is just a draft. But it does indicate a desire to streamline the meeting. Some voters prefer to have more debate on the floor in general, and the Select Board historically has tried to give people the opportunity to debate all the articles that may be controversial, so we expect to see some changes.

There’s a lot happening in these articles – from revolving funds for electric vehicle chargers and the Fairbank Community Center, to fire engine and ambulance replacements. Two school roofs are on the list, and additional funds for the Atkinson Pool renovation.
Last year Town Meeting authorized the acquisition of two MBTA buildings along the Mass Central Rail Trail. However, this year a new article would seek an appropriation to fund an acquisition. It seems like it may be an early draft, and the report mentions that negotiations are ongoing.
There are enough bylaw update articles to put a fussy baby to sleep, but the notable ones are probably the bylaw update for accessory dwelling units and an article to adopt the Opt‐In Specialized Stretch Energy Code.
One of the citizen petitions calls for cutting the Community Preservation Act (CPA) surcharge and another calls for more funding for walkways because, among other reasons, the CPA can’t be used for sidewalks. That one would also authorize the Select Board to use eminent domain for land or easements.
Take caution in reviewing the articles. Much could change between now and Annual Town Meeting. But if this list is any indication – it’s going to be a Town Meeting you don’t want to miss.