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Economic Development Efforts Gain Momentum In Sudbury
In May of 2023, Select Board Vice-Chair Lisa Kouchakdjian recommended the formation of an Economic Development Committee to the other members of the Select Board. She noted that the timing was right, in part because Sudbury was on the cusp of opening two rail trails. The minutes summarize her comments: “Vice-Chair Kouchakdjian suggested establishing a business…
Local Election: Who Is Running
Four potential candidates have filed their intention (“pulled papers”) to run for local office: Janie Dretler for Select Board, Karyn Jones for Sudbury School Committee, Catharine V. Blake for Moderator, and Laurie Eliason for Park and Recreation Commission (see complete list below). Dretler, Blake and Eliason are candidates for re-election. Jones currently serves in…
Divided Select Board Accelerates Gun Business Bylaw
[Editorial Disclosure: The author of this story provided a signature for the Citizen Petition mentioned in this story.] On Tuesday the Select Board had another conversation about its draft zoning bylaw (page 18) to regulate gun businesses in Sudbury. There are currently no regulations specific to the location of gun-related businesses in Sudbury.…
SPS Budget: Never Enough, Ever The Victim
Act One:  All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players In December of 2022, the SPS School Committee was gearing up to pursue an override for FY24. Come January of 2023, the SPS School Committee was in a joint meeting with the Sudbury Select Board insisting that they had asked…
Sudbury Steps Up Its Sustainability Game
In May of 2022 a Citizen Petition passed at Sudbury’s Annual Town Meeting after much debate. The petition called for the Town to hire a Sustainability Director, declare a climate emergency, and begin long-term planning for sustainability, among other action items.  Prior to the 2022 Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board requested a legal…
Why Your Wireless Coverage Stinks In Sudbury
Sudbury is known for its green space, its history and its schools, among many other wonderful things. One thing the town isn't known for is wireless coverage. Online community forums are frequently peppered with requests for recommendations on cell carriers, and there's never a clear winner in the comments. So what exactly is going on…
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